In a heartwarming show of solidarity, over $4.7 million has been raised for victims and families affected by a tragic event in Butler, PA. President Donald Trump, moved by the devastating attack, has authorized this fundraiser to assist those impacted.
The fundraiser, organized by Meredith O’Rourke, has garnred support from across the nation with 61.3 thousand generous donations. This overwhelming response far exceeds the initial goal of $1 million, highlighting the compassion and unity of Americans in times of hardship.
“These proud Americans need our support now more than ever,” President Trump emphasized, underscoring the importance of community and compassion during difficult times. The funds will be used to aid the injured and assist the families of those who lost their lives in this senseless act.
The outpouring of generosity is a testament to the strength and resilience of the American spirit. As the funds continue to pour in, they will provide crucial support to the victims as they navigate their path to recovery.